Tuesday 14 August 2007

Ist day at bbc wales.

Monday 13.08.07

My day started at about 09 hours, was picked up from Talybont south Uni residence by a Dragon taxis at 0905. I was at BBC house in Cardiff at about 0920.

After the paper work at the reception, we were ushered to the news room (me and Khaled) and welcomed by Nickola Smith one of the reporters for Wales toady.

The procuder of the day, Anne Marie Jones was still in the meeting with the editor.

At about 10 pm we joined the others in a production meeting. I didn't have much to say .since it was my first day I thought I should do alot of listening.

After the meeting I was glad to be paired with Nickola but first I had to write the BBC safety course text. Andy was in charge of monitoring us on the course.

This is the course that determined if I would be allowed to do any work the, thank God I passed the test.

After the test ,I was free to do what ever I wanted ,and I choose to go with Nickola to Newport were she was doing a follow up story on Fire that had left people homeless the past week.

While there, we did interviews with a Mr Paul.. ,the man in charge of the Reven trust home, an NGO that receives donation for the less privileged in society.
They were receiving donations of all kinds for the people who had been affected by the fire.

We later interviewed a family that had lost every thing in the fire, thank God the council has now found them a house.

The area counsellor for Victoria ward was also on hard to give us her views.